BOOK REVIEW: Feast of Friends (D.W. Metz)

In the spirits of Misery, Somewhere in Time and What Dreams May Come is the short story Feast of Friends by D.W. Metz. A quick read easily savored over lunch, it follows the journey of the main character from writer’s block through his own horror stories, real and imagined. Metz’s writing style is evocative of respected writers from gentler times gone by. Set mostly in a quiet community of lakeside cabins, Feast of Friends takes some delicious twists and turns along the snowy way. By the story’s end, you’ll be looking around, double-checking your reality.


Katrina set down a breakfast of biscuits and gravy and strong coffee at the table.

“Hope you’re hungry.”

I couldn’t remember the last time I sat for a breakfast. After Helen and Roy died, sitting by myself at the table left me feeling lonesome. I often took my meals standing at the counter or hunched over the sink.

I thought about getting back to the cabin. I thought about the solitude waiting; the desk beneath the window, typewriter before me, staring out at Barter Lake trying to summon the dark muse. It hadn’t finished a story in three years. There were beginnings, but I never followed through.

It had been a Saturday. Helen rushed around the kitchen making pancakes. In his room, Roy had just finished putting on his baseball uniform. As usual, I sat in my office, staring at a blank screen and the vexatious blinking cursor.


Buy Feast of Friends at Amazon.

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Belinda Y. Hughes is the author of Confessions of a Red Hot Veggie Lover 2 and Living Proof. She recently submitted a paranormal scifi short story to HDWP Books for consideration in their New Myths Theme-Thology. Her current projects include LGBT erotica and poetry. Belinda enjoys beading, reading, writing, cooking and hiking in the woods with her old dog.

Follow Belinda on Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter.

1 thought on “BOOK REVIEW: Feast of Friends (D.W. Metz)

  1. Reblogged this on D. W. Metz and commented:
    Much appreciation to Belinda Hughes for this review of my short story, Feast of Friends. $0.99 for Kindle or you can find it free if you google it… amazon/goodreads reviews are greatly appreciated.


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